So a short while later, I modified the tool to be able to fully support the PC port. 132 158.4k 127 24 FINAL FANTASY-THEMED Names (Golden Edition) 1mo 14d 1 428 I noticed a while back that there were old videos of some deleted events from P4 that appear to have. alantrik said: Majestic, it just crashes when trying to open the save file. It is open source, but it lacked some of the features I wanted and was not 100% compatible with the PC port of the game. So I’ve recently gotten ahold of the Steam port for P4G and discovered a nifty little save editor to fix a save state I had messed up. bin file you are editing, and you will be able to load it just fine in the Steam version. (now with GamePass support) Skip to content. binslot file needs to be in the same directory as the. (now with GamePass support) An updated save editor to work on PC. modified it for my own use, maybe someone will find it useful :) it mainly removes the problem that modified save games can not be loaded on the PC. You can build macros and chorded combinations with other keys and per-key turbo modes, and like I said, it’s dizzying - and Valve barely explains how any of it works.Hi guys, just wanted to let you know in case it helps anyone. and every one of the Deck’s 20-plus programmable controls can issue multiple different commands depending on how and when you press.

You can click, swipe, flick, and “spin” a virtual trackball press down on their pressure-sensitive surfaces and even set their edges to continually move or turn your character. In addition to providing an entire traditional gamepad worth of analog joysticks, triggers, and face buttons - almost all of which feel fantastic, I might add - you also get four rear grip buttons and a pair of Steam Controller pads so customizable, calling them “trackpads” feels like a disservice.

Okay, you might ask, but all the games I just named have gamepad support - what about the decades of mouse-and-keyboard fare? The Steam Deck lets you borrow or build a dizzying array of custom control schemes that make them feel at home, too.